Exploring Papua New Guinea: A Journey Into The Heart Of Melanesia
Papua New Guinea(PNG) is an island nation in the southwestern Pacific, known for its diverse cultures, languages and rich natural beauty. Straddling the Equator and lying to the north of Australia, PNG is a unique tapestry of traditions and biodiversity, offering travelers an unparalleled adventure. Cultural and Kaleidoscope Papua New Guinea is the most culturally diverse countries in the world. It is home to over 300 hundred languages and countless ethnic groups, each with its own distinct customs and traditions. The vibrant cultural festivals, known as " sing-sings ", are the testament to this diversity. During these gatherings, different tribes comes together to showcase their traditional music, dance, and elaborate customs adorned with feathers, shells and body paint. The most famous of these festivals is Goroka Show, held annually is the Eastern Highlands. It is spectacle of color and sound, providing a rare opportunity for the visitors to witness the rich ...